2 min readAug 9, 2015

A General Overview of UX Design

When the last time you book the flight or bus or even Ojek? How’s the step? Is that check out form makes you stress? How’s the customer services? What you feel after your services done? Do you ever want back to using that services again? What you felt then it accomplished as Travel ‘s User Experience (UX). User experience is a very blurry concept. Consequently, many people use the term incorrectly. Furthermore, many designers seem to have a firm (and often unrealistic) belief in how they can craft the user experience of their product. However, UX depends not only on how something is designed, but also other aspects. Difference with UI, UX can not be designed. It’s because UX depends not only on the product itself, but on the user and the situation in which they use the product. User is different, they have different goal regarding their products. UX also depends on the context in which the product is used. A situation goes beyond what can be designed. It can determine why a product is being used, and it can shape a user’s expectations. If we want to design for UX, then we need to understand what UX is all about. For example, knowing which variables make users judge a product might be advantageous, and Hassenzahl’s UX model is one such model for this. UX is split into useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible and valuable. Referrence: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/why-user-experience-cannot-be-designed/ http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/08/taking-a-customer-from-like-to-love-the-ux-of-long-term-relationships/ http://www.helloerik.com/ux-is-not-ui

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